Saturday, October 30, 2010


Hello everyone, todays topic is FILIAL PIETY. Can anyone says that he/she is filial piety? How can anyone knows that they are filial piety. But the most important question is "what is filial piety'

Filial piety is one of the virtues to be held above all else : a respect for the parents and ancestors. So why does some people doesn't understand the important of being filial?
example: once i saw a mother and daughter at a coffee shop. The daughter was shouting at the mother because the mother order the wrong food. The mother keep apologising to the daughter and return to the store and help her order again. At the same time, the daughter's daughter was sitting there looking at both of them. I was wondering, how on earth can one person be so unfilial to their parents. And the best part is, the daughter's daughter was sitting there looking at all her action. I bet, in the near future, her daughter will do the same to her. because she will think that being unfilial is ok she learn it from her mother. Than the cycle will continue until someone teaches her what filial is.
Filial is not about showing people how filial you are to your parents. Filial come naturaly from the heart. its a natural thing like when you were young, most of our parents would care, love, concern and teach us things. they will supports us through hard times, and even if we were a parents of our children, our parents will still care, love, concern about us. we will forever be their little baby. But why, there's still some people out there treating their parents like maid/slave, or doesn't even bother to care for them? Doesn't they love their parent? Don't they feel guilty about ill treating their parents?

Is filial important? For me YES it is! Its not like a " oh i must do it because it my duty, or i have no choice " but its a natural thing that come within my heart and i will do it willingly because i love them no matter what as they are my family. Its a natural cycle that the parents would provide and look after their children and when the parent is old and the children grows up, its the children turns to look after and provide for the parents. So why does some children would leave their parents to beg for food or doesn't visit them? think about it, if you were old, and your children doesn't even bother to care for you, how would you feel? sad? unhappy? angry? whats the point of being sad when u treat your parent that why too.

Therefore, being filial is not about showing to other people how filial you are. Its about how you would truely treat your parents truefully because remember, they are the one who provide you when you were young and rise you up. Thank you.

general purpose : to inform
specific purpose : to inform one how important filial piety is.
thesis statement: allows one to understand why filial is imortant. [correct or wrong?]

main point #1: does some people understand the important of being filial?
sub-point: its not about showing people how filial you are.
main point #2: is filial important?
sub-point: yes it is important.

Just practicing for my speech.
no offence to what i write above.
not refering to anyone.
thank you

Friday, October 29, 2010


Has anyone wonder, what's ahead for them today? Did anyone of you plan every little step for doing anything today? What you expected for today?

Most of us only expect what will be like for today. "Example, i expected to stay in school till 1pm for my statistics lecture. However, the unexpected happens and it turns out that the lecture was cancel! i doubt anyone of us was there to expected the lecture was cancel! " Because we knew where we were going and what were likely going to happen and thus we expect things. But usually the unexpected happens.

Live life to the fullest. Because by living life to the fullest, we will not end up regretting thing as we knew that we had already tried our best. TODAY, everything is possible to happen, we are not sure if we have the chance to see tomorrow. Because, we does not know what will happen even a second later...

When TODAY passes, its become history. You are not able to rewind the time and do it again. So don't waste a minute. People who treat like for granted, remember that out there, there are people who are struggling their life so that they can see tomorrow.

Therefore, things are unexpected and we should not treat life as if there will always be tomorrow. Thank you

omg, i don't no what am i trying to say
my speech is so confusing!
there's no specific purpose to it!
[no offence to what i said above]

Thursday, October 28, 2010

i'm really confuse today. suddenly, i don't know what i want in life.
work? money?
actually i just only want a simple life. one that does not have to worry for cloths, 3 meals, family and not in debt. all i ask for is that simple. is it that difficult?
life is like a game, at the end if the game, u will stop at the ending point. its just the length, and process of how u play it.
as for me. i felt that i am really lazy. if possible, i will not want join or participate any thing in school.
wake up, school, home, wake up, school, home and so on...
i know that most of you out there will be thinking y am i having such a boring life?
the reason? me myself, i'm also not sure. is it the feeling of doing nothing feels good or i don't dare to take risk for trying new things?


Once again i decided to blog. But this time round, for the benefits of my english.

Has been attending poly for the past 6 month and i realise that there is a need for me to improve my english. When i was young, i was told that english is the most important subject and i have to master it well. However, i choose not to take their advice.

Now that i was studying in the poly, i knew that i had made a mistake that i did not heed their advice. Most of my classmate speak good english and thus i felt very embarrass whenever i had to present my speech! I felt that my english is really bad and i had to put my 110% to improve my english as fast as possible, as i am racing with time. Its too late for me to regrade my action and the only thing left is to work hard and improve my english.