whois this pretty girl so use this pic for match make its:
Monday, December 29, 2008
don't no wat to buy so we just walk around...
action city i n zoe brought a neck massager... cost me $19.90 but quite fun...
still didn't found the right thing to buy for her so went to B1 to shop... zoe mitting her someone n we is like so bright for them haha...
hold hand, hug n more... omg its give me the shiver... haha cause toooo sweet...
oh yeah back to the present thing...
so went back to mini toons n buy a ******... thean the rest of the present we brought it at kiddy palace haha...nnn a box of ***** ***** hope u will play the thing we brought for u casue last time i heard u say that u every time play doctor when u were young n didn't play ******* so we brought that set for u... ming yu disagree with it but i still carry on to buy that...
to yeow shen:
hope u will like the present we brought for u cause its mean for u...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
to one of my friend ... hope that u no that its u...
cut my hair on christmas days haiz... it short...
went cp today... omg its soooo many ppl can't even get to the face shop casue its all so pack... so i n my cousin finally squeezed in... all those aunti they are so clever in sqeezing omg... must learn from them haha... afther buying the nail polish, had trouble coming out...
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

nothing can express my feeling right now... too many thing to think n vex of... so what i really going to do... sleep... i think its the best of all...cause i can't think of any...first is my sis which is so sensitive to what i say i the afternoon n is angry till now... second is the result i'm really really very scared... i will hope for the best... that mean i will pass my N level...
so good luck to every one who is taking the result in 2 days time
bye bye
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008

than sunday went to vivo again but also brought nothing
Saturday, December 6, 2008
in the morning all of us exp my sis n her friend is quiet but after lunch all of us is talking n talking n talking non stop... around 5.30pm the job is done than th uncle say his going to fetch us back to cp...
waited for 1 hr than he came...
during the 1 hr we chated alot of thing...
ming hui is funny haha
in some way her charater is like me... funny
than doreen just sit there n listen when she wear her spect she look almost like luiyun haha...
than the aunti just listen n talk to us...
during the waiting i'm going to bored to death so i ask the aunti is she has any ghost story than she start the story than doreen ... moved to the center of me n the aunti haha cause she say that she is scared ... the beside me is nothing n i'm also alittle afraid haha...
when the aunti is saying the story half way, i boo her than she scream haha ...
the second story goes like this........ ........
one of my friend told me that this block the lift is scary...
cause whenever i took the lift, n i'm reached to story 6 where i stay n it only happen at around 11pm - 12 am, the opp lift will also open by its self...
than at this time the mechine at the place i work is going to start again than i scream... haha
than all of them scream too... haha the place that i went to work got a few china ppl so when i scream n they too scream , the china ppl is scrared by us cause we suddenly scream haha ...
end of blogging
Thursday, December 4, 2008
for the next few days will not be blogging cause going to work...
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008

miss the weather there cause here is so hot...
wake up early in the morning 4 am, reached there about 5.30 am.
went shopping than again walk see walk see haha..
8 am wake up, brash teeth, wash face.
after finish went to the indoor team park
12 pm check out of the hotel
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
a lot of thing happen in the first two day of the chalet but i can't remember so much so i will only write down all the thing i remember .
the first day of the chalet is boring. its because we don't have any activity going on. the room is small so we girls who is staying slept on the bed. the guy slept on the mattress. but in the end. got on guy come in... he didn't tell us that his going to stay overnight so we just kept quiet .
xue li get drunk by a few cup on wine. haha she say all those finny thing n make us all laught. when he go in, all of us went out n chat. about 3+ am, all of us is quiet sleepy n thought that he will go how. To our surprise, he sleep there. actually the two single bed is for us 6 girl. n the two mattress is for the 6 boy. but when he come in n sleep he one person slept on the bed n none of us want to sleep beside him so Walter slept beside him than Clarabelle. than all of us slept on the mattress. but in the end, i n yeow shen didn't get to sleep.
when I'm trying to sleep, i mind is wide awake so when ys ask me that if I'm still awake, i wake up n the both of us went to the beach around 5.30am to see the sun rise. when walking there we saw Dennis. but i remember seeing him in the chalet sleeping. than i realise that i n ys had walked a big big round as there has a short cut in less than 3 min but we walked about 10-15 min there. seated in the bench n playing the handphone , the ants attacked me. by letting 2 more ants bit. seated till 6 am than we decided to go back n play . this time we take the short cut way to get there haha.
around 7 am. i n ys called caroline up. but she say that she wanna sleep so we later on than call her to wake up. 7.15 am she wake up n we actually wanna walk go to mac but than walter say is quite far so we all decided to ride there. than the guy wake up n say that he wanna go to. but we only has 4 bike n there 5 person so he say he will walk there. when we reach there n had finished our breakfast he than reach. than i ys n caro go back first.
8 am, walter came back. caro walter n ys wanna go beach. but i don't feel like it because we stomach is pain so i say that i'm not going but in the end i also got go because i'm very board. when riding to the playground, i saw a aging guy riding quite fast to ys direction n when he saw her, he didn't slow down n the both of them knock down. ys is the serious one as for him he didn't get any injury. the first thing he do is see his bike. his not gentlemen as he didn'e help ys up n say that y u can play u hp when riding the bike . i n carol is in a shock n didn't no wat to say as her leg is full of injury. is not totally ys fault because he didn't slow down or turn him bike . but after that he ask ys that is she ok is she ok but ys kep one say yeah yeah . they still wan to play the playground so we all play for a while more n went back.
ming yu has reach so i have to go back there n bring her in as she did not no where the place is. around 10 am, we all went to escape n play. it is so boring... play till 12+pm, we all went back to the chalet. thought of getting some sleep but in the end also didn't sleep. at around 3 pm, we went to eat sushi buffer . after eating went to arcade.
nothing to play so we all went to escape again as Brandy , Gerald, rosy n joey is there. playing with them is fun as there more people.
7+ pm, went back to chalet. most of them is there so its full of fun... all of them is taking pictures. n quiet a few class photo. after a while i felt board. so i decided to go home at 8 pm. but when i take my bag n leave, some of them ask us not to leave n stay for a while more. so we stay till about 9 pm than we went home.
ming yu lead us so we follow here but who nos she walk to the bus stop where there only has her bus so i n ys has to walk quiet far to the bus stop. i decided to take te cad back so i ask ys if she is OK to take the cab. in the first place she didn't want to as she say is qiet expensive. she i talk her round. actually the i told the taxi uncle to drop us both at mrt station near both our house so we can take the mrt home. but i later on think that the uncle has to drive pass sengkang than to the mrt station so i told him that drive me home first than to ys house.
at last home sweet home. after bathing watch the tv for a while than sleep.
the picture i didn't have it so when i have the pic than i will post up.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
haha time passes sooooooooooo slow...
but the time places all haven comfirm yet .
not enought shirt to bring go cause going oversea a few dadys later so not enought time to wash... next week will be very pack...
haiz... wish the time will be very very fast this few days... all i can do is sit at home n look at the wall... so boring . hope that there something intersting going on so that i will not be so boring...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
5 more day to chalet...
looking forward to that day...
but but but.. it troublesome cause there does't have an actual organiser so it look like very blur the whole thing...
the time n unit for the chalet n BBQ have not comfirm yet ... n the worst of all we left only $30++... how to but the food for all 20++ of us...
i'm thinking that if really left this amount than y not cancle the BBQ haha ... but xue li said that if chalet does't have BBQ than not look like it le... so i told her to dig our form teacher pocket... haha but don no will it sucess...
anyway... if we really left this little than the food buy lesser no choice ...
Saturday, November 8, 2008
didn't do any thing big this pass year.
so i hope that next year i can do something good n change my life for the better.
sometime i hate my life but at time i like it.
today went vivo . actually i n ming yu say wan go ask for job but in the end those ppl say that u all is waiting for N level . so ur can't work here cause we want o level ppl. everytime hear this kind of thing. hate them ... but also can't blame them cause they wan those ppl who can work long.
the first shop we went in to is candy shop...
went in ask them wan ppl ... than when wan walk out than i saw the CHOCOLATE.. haha
selling @ 100g -- $3.80 haha
brought 100 g ++ of chocolate than go find again
than when wanna go ome that time i went in n brought anought 100g++ haha
total = $7.00 ++
ming yu = $4.00++
saw a poster outside this shop. [ work 40 days -- $2200 ] WOW!!!
went in n ask than the sale person say that the manger is not there... disappointed :C
went to TANG n try dresses haha... but this time the dresses all seem retro so didn't see any that i like.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008

see whether when they will call up to let us no when to collect the uni... but worry that they need 1 ppl ... hope not cause they told me that they need 2 ppl... haiz ... 2.45 going there with ming yu... she wat also dare not ask ... like that time at tm i ask her to ask she don one than finally say ok but in the end also i ask... she is very firce with most of us so i n ys very afraid of her . but she don dare ask other ppl thing haha ... its ok cause i last time also the same this don dare that don dare ... haha
wish us luck ... hopefully later we can settle down to this job ...
bye bye
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Need to go the HQ to get the uni n have an injection . i must bring along a photocopy IC , IC, photocopy account statement and passport photo ... guess wat i lost my photo . lazy to take again so i have to find my whole house again .
feel like going changi airport again. cause the environment very comfortable. but i just went there last sunday with my family.
not sure tml going where. i just feel like going ang moi kio buy PS3 game haha.
need a job to support my pocket or else the pocket hold will break...
that y those adult say that money is hard earn beacuse i had work as a waitness before at RTC ... is dame tiring ... stand for the most 13 hr the most earn only $87.5 than work for 4 days only $190++ ... but spent is is like one hour than i left with nothing le
so i must work hard to earn money n save it to buy a new laptop ... haha ...
yesterday talk to my dad about job ... he ask some of his friend but there still no news so he ask me to go find myself ...
if i don go work this year i may know wat he will say " last 2 yr u say cannot because the age haven reach than this year got wat excuses." but i no that my dad may not say this but will be very disappointed.
most of my friend has found a job ... but me no one aslo don have but has fill up lots of form but they didn't call up than wat for i fill them up if they didn't want ppl just tell me straight in the face " no i don one employ ppl " straight n simple y make it so complicate.
good for YS cause going oversea n no need work ... envy those ppl that their parent ask them not to work ... haha but its aslo good for me to work cause the day pass faster and there also the money that we earn n not talk from our parent .
still got O level maths paper 2 on thu ... haha sian need to work hard to get an A1 or at least A2 but i no that is not possible haha...
Friday, October 24, 2008
i didn't learn much .
guess wat i no most of the question... haha very happy
but when i'm doing i'm think that even i no how to do also no use cause the EXPRESS people comfirm will no how to do.
so the result also maybe just pass or B3
went compass with mum n sis after paper ...
a misunderstanding. n the whole trip is spoil cause i wanna ask my mum to buy a story book than i eyed it long ago but didn't cause angry... stupid me rite ...
but in the end we are find cause its very tiring to be angry...
hope to find a job quick ...
hate those ppl who say one thing and do the other ... hate them ... always make my blood boil... didn't even no how to say sorry